
The PTA, Clear Backpacks and Clear Handbags

The PTA is an organization formed by parents and teachers that meet regularly to discuss and implement plans, ideas and actions for the benefit of improving the lives and education of their children. The PTA is the largest volunteer organization in the nation for child advocacy with over 6.5 million people. Both men and women meet to help children thrive and learn with fundraising, parent education, assisting teachers and also fight for legislation which will benefit every child’s education. is a company dedicated to providing quality clear handbags for school, clear backpacks for kids, and clear totes for school,…

Check Us Out Before You Go

Pre-Trip Checklist Planning ahead is planning for hassle free travel. A quick checklist can insure you don’t forget anything, costing you time and money on your trip. Here at the we believe the #1 item on your pre trip checklist is of course to visit our site and get your TSA airport compliant carry on cosmetic bag for breezing quickly through e-ray check points. While you are there pickup your perfectly convenient clear beach tote for the beach, clear backpack daily commuting, clear computer laptop bag for business, clear tote bags for amusement parks, clear lunch bags for sporting…

International Travel Hassle Free

At we like to include our children on business trips which is and enjoyable opportunity for teaching our kids about business and different cultures. International travel outside of the United States with children has increased due to many economic and leisure opportunities. There are many, many reasons for traveling abroad with children such as humanitarian aid, deployment of much appreciated military, employment to global markets, adoption from foreign countries, immigrants and the return visits to those countries just to name a few. An important first step in planning international travel often is obtaining information from their pediatrician or primary…

Airport Carry On 3-1-1 Rule Made Easy

  The Transportation Security Administration has an official rule for carrying gels and liquids while traveling. At we are excited to be able to provide quality TSA airport compliant carry on cosmetic toiletry bags. The policy has been named 3-1-1. Three ounces clear plastic bottles for liquids and gels are allowed. All clear plastic containers must fit into a one quart clear plastic bag. Just one clear plastic bag containing these personal items per traveler is allowed. Because the clear plastic bag must not be larger than one quart, its best to use a bag that has its capacity…

Campuses are Safer

A Michigan high school has a policy regarding bags and backpacks that student are allowed to carry in the school. Back packs were banned from the cafeteria and hallways because of a lack of space. Some female students were bending the rules by carrying very large purses. Most students feel as though a small and clear plastic see thru bag policy would be better as the no bags at all rule causes many students to be late getting to class for having to return to their lockers between each class for books and supplies. Clear plastic back packs, clear laptop…

Clear Backpack Policy for Rever Bend

River Bend School District in Fulton Illinois is taking extra security measures at all grade levels. Messages were sent out to parents thru the school districts global network about an apparent threat written on a bathroom wall. The investigation is on going as local police, school district staff, and local authorities continue to interview students. New security policies have been put into place and some will remain indefinitely. Students will only have one point of entry into the buildings on campus and all students will be searched. One new policy is a clear handbag clear backpack mandate. All bags must…

Clear Handbags for Employees

More and more department stores are requiring employees to carry clear handbags as a form of loss prevention. Clear hand bags, clear totes, and clear backpacks are easy for security staff to see into without having to empty the contents of the employee’s bag. This has been a policy in major department stores for years and now smaller retailers are mandating the clear handbag for work rule. Employees using clear bags have found that entering or leaving the work place thru security is much faster than when security staff had to check the contents of each bag by opening or…

Clear Backpacks: Not Back Aches Pt. 2

Sad buy true, clear backpacks also get a bad wrap for causing a back ache or pain in the neck. Children should be given a lesson on the proper way to use and pack their backpacks and clear tote bags for school to lessen the possible risk of neck, back and shoulder injuries. Kids should know to inform parents or teachers of any discomfort they are experiencing which may be from using their clear backpacks. Let children know simple rules of carrying only essential items and less is better, to know their limits. Carrying clear backpacks on one shoulder may…

Clear Backpacks: Not Back Aches Pt. 1

Clear Backpacks: Not Back aches. All backpacks including clear backpacks from are essential to store and carry all your important stuff such as books, papers, binders and folders, school supplies, extra clothes or gym clothes and personal items. Items carried everyday can be conveniently kept together, organized and already for the next day. Juggling all that stuff can be awfully tough and exhausting to say the least however, can you even imagine not carrying a clear backpack or clear tote bag for school. Safety first. Just like the kids toys which are left out and then tripped over, the…

Fill Your Clear Lunch Bag with Love

Hey, we are trying to put healthy delicious lunches in our boys clear lunch bag every day. Not an easy task. It hard to compete with Lil’ Jimmy’s HoHo’s and Twinkies. It is often a hassle to find healthy food and treats that actually get eaten. Often the lunch comes back home just to be thrown away. As a general rule, we have to keep in mind; they say you don’t have to force children to eat. They will eat when they are ready and they won’t starve. At times our toddlers are ready to be picky and difficult. Saying…

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