Clear See Thru Backpack and the Case of the Missing Puppy

Who would have thought? A clear see thru backpack and a missing puppy. Having children, I think – and tell everyone after my second glass of wine – is a three-stage experience. At first they are formless beings that are alternately cute and horrifying but are largely free from opinions and individual will. Then comes the second stage, which lasts approximately until they are thirty years old, when they begin to think they have their own ideas about what to do with their time, and complain loudly when you forbid it. Complain, or, in the case of my own children,…

The Case of the Stolen Lunch

Like a lot of people, my office has a small break room with a kitchen area – some cabinets, a microwave, coffee machine, and fridge. The line for the microwave is always endless – I am amazed at what people bring in to work to heat up for lunch. Not just a frozen meal or some leftovers in Tupperware, but elaborate things in casserole dishes requiring three or four separate components to be heated in a complex ritual. I’ve seen people spend fifteen minutes using the microwave in order to make their incredible lunches like they’re a chef in a…

Backpack Mania Patient Zero

It’s true: My kids started the Gutzy Gear epidemic. I’m not proud. I’m not ashamed either, but proud is a little much. They didn’t invent and market Gutzies, after all, making me instantly into a Lady who Lunches. All they did was start complaining that they all had the same backpack. I have three kids. Two fraternal twins and one boy a year older. Since they’re so close in age it’s always easier to just buy everything in threes and distribute it to them like I’m outfitting a small army for war. This year I bought them all clear backpacks…

The Clear Solution To Back To School Chaos – Part 2

For my teenagers in high school, the large clear backpack is huge, and easily holds all the many items they require. It’s made with very durable, strong PVC material, which isn’t threatened by the weight of the numerous textbooks and binders needed for the long day of classes my kids attend each day. The ease and speed of finding homework, folders and writing implements at the start of each class, without having to empty out the backpack’s entire contents, is a recurring advantage of the fantastic transparent design, and my kids actually think having a see-thru backpack is really quite…

Clear Kids Backpacks To End Back to School Chaos – Quickly

The Clear Bag Store and their clear handbags and clear kids backpacks have made thing so easy. There is no more joyous day of the year for me, a mother of five, than the first day of school after a long summer. It’s back to routines, schedules, and never-ending attempts at organization. As glorious as Back to School time is, with a clan this size of school-age children, the amount of preparation needed is overwhelming. I have two kids in high school, one in middle school, and two in elementary school. The amount of “stuff” they all require rivals that…

Bag Your Favorite NFL Bag and Lose Your Fear of Clear

There is nothing transparent about the NFL. At least there never has been until now. The NFL is, and always has been, one tough sport. It’s concept, however, is simple – enormous, huge-muscled men ruthlessly throwing similar looking men to the ground upon catching them, others ferociously crashing into the bones of their opponents, while others are grunting and growling their way down a stretch of grass to get a pigskin ball across the threshold of celebration. And football fans are just as tough. They are so devoted, they are known to mimic this grunting and growling in the stands,…

Night Hiking with the Pink Backpack Brigade

The moment our son Henry joined the Scouts, Bernadette wanted to join too. A year younger and twice as willful, our daughter has spent her short years on this planet applying her will to anything put in front of her. She’s sweet and funny and smart, but Lord help you if you try to resist whatever plan she woke up with in her head that morning. So, a few days after Henry joined Scouts, Bernie became a Girl Guide, and quickly undertook what can only be described as a bloodless coup over her Unit. Within weeks she was coming home…

Playing Beach Bag Roulette

My family has an old saying (well, it goes back to the 1970s when my Mom and Dad got married): fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice and I deserve it. So the first time I lost all of our possessions on the beach, I was angry at the world. The second time … shame is probably a better word. And I vowed there would be no fourth time. We all love the beach. As often as my husband and I can, we pack up the kids and get into the sun, slathered in sunscreen and carrying multiple…

National School Security Services recommends clear backpacks

Nation School Security Services of the United States has recommended the enforcement of dress codes and book back and backpack control. Nation School Security Services says that the enforcement of these rules can play a significant role in improving the safety of a schools environment.. Clear book bags and backpacks on campus have shown to help prevent weapons and other contraband being brought to school. School officials have a responsibility to make every effort to ensure the safety of all student and faculty. Clear book bags, clear backpacks, clear laptop bags, clear tote bags and clear event or lunch bags…

Pharmaceutical Confusion and the His and Hers Cosmetic Bags

Mom and Dad had reached that age where they each had a host of pills to take every day. We joked that it ran in our family, since I’d started taking thyroid meds just a few years ago, so the three of us had our collection of various things to take. We were lucky, though; Mom and Dad were healthy enough, and taking fistfuls of pills every day to keep it that way seemed like a small price in the grand scheme of things. They were determined to not let the pills slow them down, too, and usually devoted some…

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