clear backpack

The Clear Solution To Back To School Chaos – Part 2

For my teenagers in high school, the large clear backpack is huge, and easily holds all the many items they require. It’s made with very durable, strong PVC material, which isn’t threatened by the weight of the numerous textbooks and binders needed for the long day of classes my kids attend each day. The ease and speed of finding homework, folders and writing implements at the start of each class, without having to empty out the backpack’s entire contents, is a recurring advantage of the fantastic transparent design, and my kids actually think having a see-thru backpack is really quite…

Clear Kids Backpacks To End Back to School Chaos – Quickly

The Clear Bag Store and their clear handbags and clear kids backpacks have made thing so easy. There is no more joyous day of the year for me, a mother of five, than the first day of school after a long summer. It’s back to routines, schedules, and never-ending attempts at organization. As glorious as Back to School time is, with a clan this size of school-age children, the amount of preparation needed is overwhelming. I have two kids in high school, one in middle school, and two in elementary school. The amount of “stuff” they all require rivals that…

Turtling with the Large Backpack

I’m an active guy, and I married an active gal, so when we got pregnant I was determined to stay active and not gain fifteen pounds and look twenty years older like a lot of my fellow new Dads. It’s all about having a plan. If you just react to things as they happen it’s chaos and confusion, but if you sit down and think it out, make a plan and stick to it, you can have some small control over your life. When the kids were small, we loaded them into harnesses and hiked with them hanging on us,…

In the Pink at School: Large Backpack

I was lucky to get to go to college, and I knew it. My parents didn’t have a lot of money, and my grades had been good but not great, so the scholarships and work-study programs were a godsend. Except of course I then had the classic problem: my tuition was paid, my books were bought, and my housing was secured, but I had nothing to actually live on. For a while I toyed with the idea of following my room-mate around and eating her leftovers, but that was both dangerous and unappetizing. So I went the traditional route: I…

Parenting with the Right Backpack – Small Backpack

When I bought my little girl Marcia the small clear backpack, it was because I’d been sold on its two main advantages: Getting Marcia through her school’s security as quickly as possible, and keeping things organised. Marcia’s smart, but she’s a dreamer. She’s a dreamer now and in constant need of reminders about everything – I can’t wait to see what she’s like when she’s seventeen and actually has things to worry about! Part of Marcia’s dreaminess plays out in a pretty rich imagination. Marcia can spend days on end pretending one thing or another. She once pretended to be…

Clear Bags for School

I don’t know about you, but for me the digital revolution isn’t moving quickly enough. The first time I saw my little Kim staggering home from school with a ridiculous number of books stuffed into her backpack, like an ant carrying fifty times its weight in picnic goods, I couldn’t believe it! I was all for a strict curriculum, but I was concerned Kimmy might be crushed under the weight of her books before mastering her multiplication tables. Then, after some strength training and motivational speeches from me – you should be picturing the training montage from Rocky right now,…

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