gym bags

Clear Gym Bags for Security and Easy Cleaning

Sometimes it’s easy to get lost in the aesthetics of clear gym bags. They are, after all, shiny and modern and very much on the cutting edge of fashion these days. Clear handbags and clear gym bags look cool, but they’re not just a pretty face. There are plenty of practical advantages to them as well. Better organization, easier packing and unpacking, not to mention the superior durability that they offer. But there are a few unsung features of clear gym bags that deserve some attention, even though they may not be the first thing you think about when deciding…

The Efficiency Expert Gains Another Two Minutes

I got the nickname “E” through a series of adolescent events wherein my friends discovered, slowly, that I was a bit … structured. At first I was referred to as The Efficiency Expert by a room-mate at school who I wasn’t even that friendly with, and obviously it was meant as an insult. Though I couldn’t and still can’t see how living your life according to a certain code and schedule is a thing to feel ashamed about.   My real friends thought this hilarious and The Efficiency Expert became my official nickname. In the name of efficiency they then…

Clear Gym Bags – Freaky Friday

Usually, I can identify my son Robert’s gym bag by smell. He’s on the football, wrestling, and baseball teams and I often think he will never smell good again. This is partly due to his constant workouts in sweaty weight rooms and less-than-energetic approach to showers, but also because when he does shower he likes to douse himself in that body spray they make specifically for teen boys. It’s not so bad as far as colognes go except that Robert seems to be under the impression that a gallon of it is appropriate. Between the choices of weight-room stinky or…

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