Safe and Happy

Safe and Happy

In the days following nearby school shootings, the Ambler, PA high school has decided to copy other districts policy to require all students to carry transparent see through backpacks. Clear and mesh backpacks are in an effort to ban book bags all together. The school guidelines require any student within the school must carry a mesh or clear book bag between classes. Cloth backpacks can be brought to school however, they must be stored in lockers throughout the day. The clear backpack and clear handbag policy is in an effort to help prevent or avert unfortunate tragedies.
Several students and parents are not happy with the decision claiming it is a violation of students privacy. Many others see the need to build teen/parent trust and respect young peoples privacy however, there are parent responsibilities that cannot be ignored. There is a responsibility of parents and school officials to protect and council our kids to keep them safe from themselves and others.


Should there be absolute privacy for young people as they learn and grow through the trial and tribulations of being teenagers? “We understand anyone determined to bring prohibited items to school will find a way. However, the clear backpack policy is only one safeguard of many that we employ to keep our children safe and happy.”
At we are dedicated to providing quality clear backpacks for kids and clear handbags. Check out our very popular clear laptop bags and reusable lunch bags. Don’t forget we offer wholesale clear backpack prices and as always, we appreciate your business!

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